„…doch nur indem er in äußerer Form außerhalb seiner selbst existierte, war er imstande, sich selbst zu sehen und zu erkennen, dass er etwas anderes ist, als der Gegenstand, den er wahrnimmt…“ (Judith Butler zu Hegel)
“…but only by existing in external form outside himself was he able to see himself and realise that he is something other than the object he perceives…” (Judith Butler to Hegel)
My observations of social and economic activities, as well as their material legacies, are at the very beginning. Under the visible surface, effects, conflicts and changes are usually hidden. The questions that develop from this urge to be dealt with and are the starting point for my work.
Every answer presupposes a personal determination – my decision to build with wood using traditional, centuries-old processing techniques has consequences. What can an abstract form achieve?
The board as the basis of the original cubic forms of functional utilitarian furniture forms the ordered hereditary substance and thus the set of signs for the development of sculptural containers that find their justification in the area of transition.
Released from their original purpose of storage, supposed anomalies crystallise in familiar arrangements, and what emerges once again seeks a hold and connection in its environment.